Tree cut detection system
Witness the power of innovation in preserving our precious forests with Robotshapers' GSM Based Tree Fall Detection System. Trees, the unsung heroes of our environment, face multiple challenges, including deforestation and habitat destruction. In this compelling blog, we delve into the profound environmental impact of logging and explore how our cutting-edge solution tackles this issue head-on.

Unveil our ingenious system designed to be mounted on trees, featuring a piezoelectric sensor that detects impacts or shear forces. Through GSM connectivity, the system sends timely alerts to designated phones, enabling swift monitoring and reporting.
Trees cause many ecological and environmental effects by affecting the environment. This content examines the environmental impact of logging.Trees are an important part of ecosystems as they provide many environmental services. They play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen during photosynthesis.
Trees help reduce climate change and reduce the greenhouse effect by removing carbon dioxide from the air.They also act as natural filters, reducing pollution and improving air quality.Some dangers arise when trees are cut down. A major consequence of this is deforestation, which leads to biodiversity loss and habitat destruction. Forests are home to countless plants and animals, many of which depend on forest ecosystems for their survival. The destruction of these habitats affects the ecological balance, threatens the life of many species and may lead to their extinction.Cutting down trees also causes soil erosion. Trees use their roots to hold soil in place and prevent erosion by wind and water.
Their removal exposes the soil to erosion, leading to loss of topsoil and depletion of nutrients. This erosion affects agricultural production and can lead to the destruction of surrounding ecosystems, including groundwater. In ourproject, we are making a system to be mounted on trees.The piezoelectric sensor associated with the controller will detect any impact or shear force on the tree and provide a signal to the controller. GSM systems are also connected to circuits that send messages to specific phones so that they can be monitored or reported.
Layout of the system:
Components Required:
Circuit diagram:
#define TREE 2
SoftwareSerial mySerial(0,1);
void setup(){
mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91XXXXXXXXXX\""); // enter your phone number here (prefix country code)
mySerial.print("SYSTEM READY");
void loop(){
if (digitalRead(TREE)==LOW )
mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91XXXXXXXXXX\""); // enter your phone number here (prefix country code)
mySerial.print("TREE CUT DETECTED");
void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available())
mySerial.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port
void parkCar() {
// Move the servo to block the parking space
digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW);
void retractServo() {
// Move the servo to retract and clear the parking space
digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW);
• Although it is not easy to catch a stolen or felled tree, it is easy to catch with the GSM system.
• The development of this system in the tree provides timely information so that all decisions can be made quickly.
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