How to make Automatic Alcohol Hand Sanitizer - DIY | Touchless Hand Sanitizer | School project ideas
Description: After making basic electronics projects like IR sensor, Laser LDR sensor we decided to use these for regular purpose. As we all know now a days our world is fighting with COVID-19 virus. As this virus spread through contact, the government have given an advisory to clean our hands with sanitizer. In our project we have made a bottle shape automatic sanitizer pump which can be used any where in public or private and also it requires a USB socket to power up. This can be powered by any USB socket like in laptops and mobile charger doc.

Components used:
- USB cable
- IR sensor module
- BC548 Transistor
- A water bottle
- DC pump
- Steel wire
- Pen tip
- Transparent level pipe
As we are using water bottle so it is favourable if the cover of the bottle is wide of not the circuit part can also be stick on the side of the bottle.
IR sensor module:
An IR sensor module is a comparator based circuit which is used for obstacle detection. This sensor is already used in our previous projects like line following robot and edge detector robot. Here we are using our hands as obstacle.
fig . IR proximity sensor
circuit diagram:
As we move our hands toward the tip of the outlet the Sensor senses our hands and gives signal voltage to the base of transistor and transistor completes the connection for pump which makes it on and sanitizer liquid gets pumped through pipe on our palm.
As we move our hands toward the tip of the outlet the Sensor senses our hands and gives signal voltage to the base of transistor and transistor completes the connection for pump which makes it on and sanitizer liquid gets pumped through pipe on our palm.
see full video for DIY sanitizer portable touchless bottle
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