Smart EV battery protection system using Arduino

Electric vehicles are the future of the transportation world. Because it runs on battery power and doesn’t create any polluted by product, also it is much cheaper than fuel vehicles. But there is a problem with the lithium ion batteries which are used in these electric vehicles that they explode in high temperature or impact conditions.

Also in any temperature it loses its life also. So it is very necessary to monitor these changes in any battery. In our project we are making a system which will monitor the battery voltage, temperature and physical expansion so that unnecessary damage on battery can be avoided.

Layout of the system:

Circuit diagram:


Component required:

  • Arduino Nano
  • 12v,2 amp SMPS
  • 2- Relay channel
  • LM35 temperature sensor
  • 7805 voltage regulator
  • 16x2 LCD display
  • 10 k Variable resistor
  • 10 k Fixed resistor
  • 1 K Fixed resistor
  • Limit switch
  • Mq-7 smoke sensor
  • DC motor
  • Buzzer
  • PC fan



  • For controller we are using Arduino Nano.
  • For display 16 x 2 LCD display is used.
  • For detection of smoke we are using MQ-7 smoke sensor.
  • For temperature monitoring we are using LM35 temperature sensor.
  • Relay channel is used for controlling drive motor and ventilation fan.
  • Buzzer is used for alarming the critical condition.
  • Limit switch is used to detect the physical expansion of battery.
  • This system in display shows the temperature of the system.
  • As per set limit the PC fan starts at the temperature above 40 degrees.
  • Below 40 it stays off.
  • Above 70 the system turns off the drive motor and display shows “Crit.”, which means temperature is critical and buzzer starts alarming.
  • If the battery expands it pushes the limit switch which gives signal to Arduino and the display shows it as “EXP.”.
  • If the smoke is detected by smoke sensor the display shows “Burn” and parallel it turns off the drive motor and buzzers starts alarming.     
  • The whole system works for two reason first is to protect the battery from damage and second is to avoid the accident due to battery explosion by alarming.


  • The system by alarming provides the chance to avoid accident.
  • It keeps us updated about battery condition by temperature monitoring.

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