Smart Tiffin Box system using arduino

As we all know for a small kid the nutrition and its timing is most important for his growth. If this check is not done, it can affect the health of the child. But we cannot check on the child during skull and tuition classes.

In our project we are making a tiffin box with an alarm clock on it and with the system the massaging circuit will be added so that the information will also be transferred to parents.

IR Sensor: we will include a sensor in the system to check whether food material is present in the tiffin or not. This will provide no signal if the food is inside and will give a signal if food material is still inside.

Alarm clock: the alarm clock will be attached to the system in which the alarm of recess time can be set manually. This will be connected to the tiffin box.

GSM system: this system will include the massaging arrangement so that the massage will be send to parents whether the tiffin is empty or not.

Layout of the system:

Component Requirement:

  1. Arduino nano
  2. 2 IR sensor module
  3. Alarm Clock
  4. GSM 800L
  5. Tiffin box
  6. 12v, 2Amp. battery

Circuit Diagram:

Working of the system:

  • First we will set the alarm at the particular time after putting food inside the box.
  • The sensor will be giving signal to the circuit.
  • It the sensor gives no signal at alarm timing, the massage will be sent to parents “the box is finished”.
  • It the food is not taken out the massage will be : “the box is not finished”
  • This will help the parent to know that the child is having his lunch or not during class time.


  1. This tiffin provides the details of tiffin box at alarmed time. 
  2. this provides nutrition help for kid.