Smart Baby Cradle

For any new born baby it is very necessary to take care of them like changing diaper making him sleep well by giving him swing in cradle. In our project we are making a cradle system which will start swinging at the cry of baby and also gives a sound signal to the parent in case of moisture or wetness. This system will also shows in display about changing diaper for the baby.

Layout of the system:

Component required:

  • Arduino Nano
  • 12v,2 amp SMPS
  • SG90 Servo motor
  • KY037 Sound Sensor
  • SEN6 moisture sensor
  • 7805 voltage regulator
  • 16x2 LCD display
  • 10 k Variable resistor
  • 10 k Fixed resistor
  • Buzzer


Circuit diagram-


  • For controller we are using Arduino Nano.
  • For display 16 x 2 LCD display is used.
  • For detection of baby’s cry we have used KY037 sound sensor.
  • For sensing moisture we have used SEN6 Moisture sensor.
  • As the system starts the display shows sound level.
  • As the sound level increased when baby starts crying.
  • The system starts rotating the servo motor 45 degrees clock wise and same anti-clock wise. Which makes the cradle swing.
  • Display shows “Baby Sleeping” at this time.
  • When baby stops crying after 30 seconds it stops swinging the cradle.
  • If sensor detects any water drops or other moisture on the cradle bed it sounds the buzzer to alarm the parent and show “Change Diaper” in display.


  • This system makes parent feel relief.
  • Also it show the moisture in bed which is detection of diaper change.