Smart Street Light

You must have seen Streetlight in roads. It is very noticeable that it glows the whole night even if nobody is present on the road which means electricity is getting wasted for nothing.

In out project we are making sensor based circuit which will detect the presence of the person or vehicle on the road and glow the particular light or section on where light is required.

Layout of the system-

Circuit diagram-

Component required:

  1. 4 relay channel
  2. 4 pieces IR sensor module
  3. 4 pieces 2200uf capacitors
  4. 7805 voltage regulator
  5. 4 DC bulbs or lights
  6. 12v, 2 amp power supply


  • We have used 4 relay channel for connection of lights.
  • 4 IR sensor modules are used for detecting the person or vehicle on road.
  • When any sensor detects any abject it glows that particular light and keeps it on for few seconds after person crosses it. This is due to capacitors connected on the signal pins.
  • This procedure is followed every time any sensor detects any object or person.
  • So this is how it saves the electricity or get it work only when it is required.


  • This system saves the electricity.
  • Also it improves the life cycle of lights as it doesn’t glows continuously.